April 2, 2024
I'm Embarrassed About My Adult Acne
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Although acne is often thought of as a problem of adolescence, this skin condition can arise in adulthood. If you’re bothered by adult acne, we have tips for how to manage it and achieve smoother skin.

Although acne is often thought of as a problem of adolescence, this skin condition can arise in adulthood. If you’re bothered by adult acne, we have tips for how to manage it and achieve smoother skin.

You’re most definitely an adult, so why are you still dealing with the teenage problem of acne? You’re not alone. More than 25% of women and 12% of men in their 40s report experiencing acne.

Battling acne in your adult years can be frustrating and embarrassing and have a significant impact on your self-esteem. At Twin Falls Dermatology & Aesthetics, LLC, we understand the emotional toll that adult acne can take. Our provider, Laurel Krupski, is here to offer support, guidance, and effective treatment options to help you regain confidence in your skin.

Why adult acne is so bothersome

Despite its prevalence, adult acne is often stigmatized. You just can’t believe you have acne, as it’s thought to be a problem only teenagers face. You may also be concerned that people believe it’s a result of poor hygiene. These misunderstandings can contribute to your feelings of embarrassment and shame when struggling with acne.

Day-to-day living with adult acne can take a significant toll on your emotional well-being, leading to feelings of self-consciousness, embarrassment, and even depression or anxiety in some cases. You can’t easily hide acne, so you may feel self-conscious in social and professional settings.

Remember that adult acne is a complex condition influenced by factors such as hormones, genetics, stress, and skin care habits, and it can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender.

The causes of adult acne

Adult acne can be triggered by a variety of factors, including hormonal fluctuations, stress, dietary choices, certain medications, and underlying medical conditions. Hormonal acne, in particular, is common among women and is often associated with fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels throughout the menstrual cycle.

Stress can also cause acne to flare up in response to increasing cortisol levels, which can stimulate oil production and inflammation in the skin.

Adult acne should not be a point of shame

Remember that acne is a medical condition, not a reflection of your worth or hygiene habits. Sharing your experiences can help other adults struggling with acne feel supported, too.

Seeking care from a dermatology clinic like ours can help you feel less isolated and more empowered to address your acne concerns.

Treatment options for adult acne

Fortunately, there are numerous treatment options available to help manage and improve adult acne. These may include:

  • Topical or oral medications
  • Hormonal therapies
  • Lifestyle modifications
  • Professional skin care treatments

We may also recommend advanced procedures such as laser therapy or chemical peels. Laurel can assess your skin, identify the underlying causes of your acne, and recommend a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs and goals.

If you're struggling with adult acne, you're not alone and help is available. Don't let embarrassment or shame prevent you from seeking the support and treatment you deserve. Call or click to make an appointment with us today, and discover how to achieve brighter, clearer skin.

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